
Your Healing Journeys founder, Hagop (pronounced Haa – Gope, like hope) Takvorian has always been curious about the way the mind works and about why people think and act the way they do. In essence he is an illuminator, using hypnotherapy and energy healing to bring more light into the world.

Hagop is an HMI Certified Hypnotherapist, committed to your healing journey. His goal is to clear the blocks caused by trauma, transform unconscious patterns lurking deep in the psyche.

Hagop is dedicated to healing, and is highly skilled in other healing protocols, such as somatic experiencing, family systems constellations and shamanism.

He works with his clients to create a customized healing plan, which is designed to ultimately restore peoples’ nervous systems to a normal state, and instill ease and flow their lives.

As a child growing up in Lebanon he saw first hand the horrors of a civil war. Death and destruction made a lasting impression on both himself and his family. His mother suffered from depression, a nervous breakdown and chemical imbalance.

Hagop too has suffered from depression. It was his overwhelming desire to cure this malady that began his lifelong quest for alternative ways to heal both himself and others.

He is the founder of a Lighthouse Healing CIrcle1Family Systems Constellation group called the  Lighthouse Healing Circle, whose goal is to show participants how to rediscover and realign with their true purpose.  He believes that as a lighthouse draws ships from sea, anyone can draw all the good that they need, by doing the clearing work necessary to truly shine.

He lives and teaches by one simple motto, that because Love, Peace and Joy is your Birthright, if you search for the light, you will always find the right way … For more information or a free consultation contact Hagop@YourHealingJourneys.com