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You can choose to be pain free. I was experiencing excruciating lower back pain for six months, there were days that I had to pee in a bucket next to my bed, because it was too painful for me to try and get to the toilet. Being a person of knowledge and knowing about mind body connection I started seriously thinking about what is causing this pain. Although the MRI showed a 5 mm protrusion pinching the sciatica nerve I was not convinced that the pain was because of the herniation. As too many mainstream doctors of all kinds told me this pain was being caused by a disc herniation, I would ask them “then why do I feel different pain levels throughout the day?”. It made sense to me that if the reason I was in pain was a pinched nerve then I should be in pain all the time and at the same intensity. There were as many answers as there were doctors depending on what their expertise was, or rather what their training was. Long and painful story short, I will share with you what eventually put me on a path towards being completely pain free.

First: I created a self hypnosis recording to get my subconscious mind on board. By that I mean I had to completely and utterly program my mind that my body can heal itself on every level-spiritual, mental. emotional and physical. I also had to program my mind to expect a positive outcome out of this condition to counter the thoughts of depression, doom and gloom. I listened to this recording every day before going to sleep. This will program your subconscious mind to guide you to becoming pain free.

Second: I researched all that I could find in books, you tube, and the internet on lower back pain. There is a lot out there that I realize now is misleading, and there is a lot that is helpful. I must say though, that I appreciated all that have shared their experience. I learned from all of them. I want to emphasize that I researched because, with the help of my subconscious re-programming, I now believed that I could heal from this without surgery. Someone must know something somewhere, and I was right. I tried everything and I mean everything. Here I am remembering the story of Thomas Edison and his 1000 failed attempts. And like him I learned what did not help.

So what helps, you might ask. Here is my answer, lower back pain is caused by the repression of strong emotions, anger/rage, terror/fear, shame and grief, period. Anyone who says otherwise are not aware of their emotions. NOT AWARE+EMOTIONS=PAIN. Not just lower back pain but all kinds of pain anywhere in the body, including blood pressure, arthritis, IBS, headaches of all kinds, etc. It might take time for one to process and release these emotions, but it would take no time at all to realize that repressed emotions cause pain. In other words, as soon as you are fully accepting that repressed emotions cause pain your mind will stop creating pain. This will depend on how stubborn your mind is. Accepting beyond a shred of doubt that repressed emotions cause pain will lead to a pain free life.

Listening to my self hypnosis recordings and learning about the connection between repressed emotions and pain was the way to accept this truth.

What creates pain? Strong emotion is felt as energy in the body. The only way to use up the energy is to move the body, for example, anger is mainly moved by the arms and fists in motion… like punching and pushing. Fear is moved by the motions of the legs like running away and so on. When motion to express the e-motion is not possible, the body is then instructed to tense up and lock down the energy created (put a lid on it). The only way to keep the energy locked up is to maintain the tension. Long held tension inhibits the flow of oxygen to the areas where there is tension. This chronic tension, or chronic tension syndrome CTS, then becomes so habitual that it is beyond one’s awareness. The only way for your body to let you know that you’re holding pent up energy screaming to be released is to produce the sensation of pain. Pain is also very distracting (from many anger and fear inducing life conditions) and it is also a very acceptable excuse (by society, family, friends and bosses) to take a long and very much needed vacation. Some of us will even get paid if we are in pain.

I could go into more detail as to what I did to finally accept that pain is emotional.  I hope that it won’t take you too long to accept this truth as well. Life without pain is possible for all without surgery or invasive procedures. Choose to be pain free.